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Urban Service Areas

Urban Service Areas are areas in and around existing communities that have the capacity to provide a full range of urban services, making them most suitable for development. USA boundaries represent the outer limits of planned urban growth over a long-term planning period. Amendments to the original areas expand services as communities grow. Service area boundaries are available to view and download on our Open Data Portal.

Urban and Limited Service Area Amendment Reviews

The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources approve sewer extensions and sewage treatment facilities based on USA boundaries. USAs are also included in area plans so that local, regional, and state agency decisions can be coordinated, consistent and capable of achieving desired growth and development patterns.

Limited Service Areas are served with fewer or limited urban services, such as sanitary sewer. LSAs are intended for special or unique areas, or areas of existing development experiencing sewage disposal problems.

More information:

Service Area Amendments

CARPC Res # *Service AreaAmendment NameApplicantStatus of AmendmentSupporting Documents
Central USACity of Middleton #2406City of MiddletonPublic Hearing 12/12/20241. Application
Central USATown of Westport #2404Town of WestportPublic Hearing / Possible Action 12/12/20241. Application
Management LetterVerona USANine Springs WWTP Effluent Revision
(link to website)
MMSDApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Supplemental Materials

3. Staff Analysis

Management LetterBrooklyn USAVillage of Brooklyn #2203Village of BrooklynApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis

Management LetterCentral USATown of Middleton #2405Town of MiddletonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis

Management LetterMarshall USAVillage of Marshall #2303Village of MarshallApproved by DNR

1. Application Narrative

2. Application Appendices

3. Staff Analysis

Management LetterCentral USACity of Madison #2403City of MadisonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis

Management LetterCentral USACity of Madison #2402City of MadisonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis

Management LetterNorthern USAVillage of DeForest #2401Village of DeForestApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis

Management LetterNorthern USAVillage of DeForest #2310Village of DeForestApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis

Management LetterVerona USACity of Verona #2309City of VeronaApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Revised Application

3. Staff Analysis

Management LetterCentral USACity of Madison #2307 (Minor SSA)City of MadisonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis

Management LetterOregon USAVillage of Oregon #2301Village of OregonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis

Management LetterStoughton USACity of Stoughton #2306City of StoughtonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterNorthern USAVillage of DeForest #2208Village of DeForestApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterStoughton USACity of Stoughton #2304City of StoughtonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterWaunakee USAVillage of Waunakee #2305Village of WaunakeeApproved by DNR

1. Application (Updated 5/24/23)

2. Attachment 8.5 - Wetland Report

3. Staff Analysis
Management LetterWaunakee USAVillage of Waunakee #2302Village of WaunakeeApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USACity of Middleton #2209City of MiddletonApproved by DNR

1. Application (Updated 1/31/23)

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterStoughton USACity of Stoughton #2207City of Stoughton"Approved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCottage Grove USAVillage of Cottage Grove #2205Village of Cottage GroveApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterVerona USACity of Verona #2104 City of VeronaApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Attachment E - Wetland Report - Marty Parcels

3. Application Supplement - Environmental Corridor Variance Request - Cascade Site

4. Staff Analysis
Management LetterStoughton USACity of Stoughton #2204City of StoughtonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USACity of Middleton #2103City of MiddletonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USACity of Madison #2201City of MadisonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USACity of Madison #2105City of MadisonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USACity of Fitchburg #2108City of FitchburgApproved by DNR

1. Application

2.Staff Analysis
Management LetterWaunakee USAVillage of Waunakee #2106Village of WaunakeeApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterLake Kegonsa LSATown of Pleasant Springs #2107Town of Pleasant SpringsApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterStoughton USACity of Stoughton #2007City of StoughtonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterOregon USAVillage of Oregon
Village of OregonApproved by DNR

1. Application (revised)

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterSun Prairie USACity of Sun Prairie #2102City of Sun PrairieApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterWaunakee USAVillage of Waunakee #2101Village of WaunakeeApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USACity of Middleton #2006City of MiddletonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterMt. Horeb USAVillage of Mt. Horeb #2005Village of Mt. HorebApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USACity of Fitchburg #1803City of FitchburgApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USAVillage of McFarland #2002Village of McFarlandApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCottage Grove USAVillage of Cottage Grove #2003Village of Cottage GroveApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management Letter
Cross Plains USAVillage of Cross Plains #1901Village of Cross PlainsApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Appendix

3. Staff Analysis
Management LetterNorthern USAVillage of Windsor #2001Village of WindsorApproved by DNR

1. Application (revised)

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterVerona USACity of Verona #1904City of VeronaApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USATown of Middleton #1903Town of MiddletonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterDane USAVillage of Dane #1902Village of DaneApproved by DNR

1. Application (revised)

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterVerona USACity of Verona #1706City of VeronaApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterWaunakee USAVillage of Waunakee #1801Village of WaunakeeApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
Management LetterOregon USAVillage of Oregon #1704Village of OregonApproved by DNR

1. Application (revised)

2. Application Attachments (revised)

3. Staff Analysis
Management LetterCentral USACity of Madison #1707City of MadisonApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis
2017-21Waunakee USAVillage of Waunakee #1705Village of Waunakee Approved by DNR

1. Application (rev 11/3/17)

2. Staff Analysis
2017-14Cross Plains USAVillage of Cross Plains #1608Village of Cross PlainsApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Application Attachments

3. Cross Plains 2009 Water System Study

4. Staff Analysis
2017-03Sun Prairie USACity of Sun Prairie #1610City of Sun PrairieApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Staff Analysis

3. Supplemental Analysis

4. Letter of Support

5. Wetland Delineation Report
2017-08 A-B-C-DCottage Grove USAVillage of Cottage Grove #1701Village of Cottage GroveApproved by DNR

1. Staff Analysis (Amended)

2. Application

3. Application Maps

4. Wetland Delineation Report
Resolution was not adoptedNorthern USAVillages of DeForest and Windsor #1703Village of DeForestApproved by DNR

1. Application

2. Application Appendix G Water System Study

3. Staff Analysis

*Effective February 2018, CARPC will issue management letters instead of resolutions.

Please contact Nick Bower, Senior Environmental Engineer, at nickb@capitalarearpc.org for additional information.

See also: Wisconsin DNR SSA Planning