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Serving on the Regional Planning Commission is a great way to help shape regional development to advance climate resilience, equitable access to opportunity, and conservation of natural and agricultural resources.

Commissioners come from cities, villages, and towns across the Dane County region. CARPC seeks a commission that fully reflects the diversity of the region’s population to best incorporate diverse perspectives into regional planning and policies.

As described in CARPC’s bylaws, Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor of Madison, the Dane County Executive, the Dane County Cities and Villages Association, and the Dane County Towns Association. The Commission selects officers and members of the Executive Committee at its annual meeting.

Commissioners serve three-year terms on a rotating basis. The Commission meets monthly on the second Thursday. The Executive Committee meets monthly on the Mondays before Commission meetings.

Commissioners are asked to prepare for and attend monthly meetings. Common Commission deliberations involve regional development and water quality planning, Urban Service Area amendments, budgets, work programs, and administrative matters.

CARPC also partners with the Greater Madison MPO to better integrate regional land use, environmental, and transportation planning. As such, the Commission sometimes meets jointly with the MPO Board. When feasible, some Commissioners also serve on both bodies.

Commissioners also serve as liaisons to their appointing authorities. Finally, commissioners support CARPC efforts in a variety of ways, such as sharing information about CARPC work with their constituents or attending local meetings regarding CARPC projects.


The number behind each Commissioner’s name corresponds to the appropriate appointing authority number:

  1. the Mayor of the City of Madison (4 commissioners);
  2. the Dane County Executive (3 commissioners);
  3. the Dane County Cities and Villages Association (3 commissioners); and
  4. the Dane County Towns Association (3 commissioners).
Maureen Crombie (3)
Executive Committee / City of Sun Prairie, Alder

Appointed 09/21/16

Steve Greb (2)
Town of Dunn, Chairperson

Appointed 02/17/22

Kris Hampton (4)
Executive Committee - Secretary / Town of Cottage Grove, Town Chair

Appointed 02/06/14

Barbara Harrington-McKinney (1)
City of Madison, Alder

Appointed 05/10/2022

Peter McKeever (2)
Executive Committee

Appointed Spring 2010

Heidi Murphy (3)
Executive Committee - Vice Chairperson / Village of Cottage Grove, Trustee

Appointed 07/17/19

David Pfeiffer (4)
Executive Committee - Executive Chairperson / Pleasant Springs Sanitary District, Treasurer

Appointed March 2015

Cynthia Richson (4)
Town of Middleton, Town Chair

Appointed 10/19/2022

Jim Schuler (3)
Village of Maple Bluff, Trustee

Appointed 09/30/20

Caryl Terrell (2)

Appointed Spring 2010

Bill Tishler (1)
City of Madison, Alder

Appointed 04/18/23

Nicholas Zavos (1)
Executive Committee - Treasurer

Appointed 10/27/20