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Regional Development Framework

Regional Development Framework report (July 2022)
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2050 Regional Development Framework

The 2050 Regional Development Framework replaces the Vision 2020: Dane County Land Use and Transportation Plan as the region’s advisory land use guide. The Framework draws on public priorities, local government input, and growth projections to establish goals, objectives, and strategies for accommodating future growth in the Dane County region. Watch the video below for an overview of the Framework’s purpose and planning process.

Framework Goals

The Framework is designed to serve as a guide for incorporating big picture goals into individual decisions about where and how to grow. The strategies outlined in the Framework will promote growth that:

  1. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and fosters community resilience to climate change
  2. Increases access to jobs, housing and services for all people
  3. Conserves farmland, water resources, natural areas, and fiscal resources

Planning Process

A Greater Madison Vision laid the groundwork for updating the Regional Development Framework by building support among leaders and stakeholders, raising public awareness, and identifying widely supported priorities for regional development. Drawing on the public priorities identified during the AGMV process, CARPC established draft goals and objectives for regional development.

These goals and their related objectives were refined based on feedback from local government officials. From there, CARPC staff reviewed local plans, researched growth concepts, developed population, household, and employment projections, mapped future growth scenarios, and developed growth strategies. A Technical Advisory Committee made up of representatives from 16 Dane County communities provided valuable feedback throughout the process. CARPC staff delivered presentations to over 20 local boards and commissions to build support and get feedback on implementation.

Public comments on the draft Framework report were received from February 16 to May 13, 2022. Commissioners adopted the final Framework at the June 2022 CARPC meeting.

Next Steps

CARPC’s current focus is on implementing the Framework by helping to incorporate its goals, objectives, and strategies into local plans and processes.


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