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Planning 101: A Two-Part Webinar for Local Plan Commissioners

Planning 101: A Two-Part Webinar for Local Plan Commissioners

Greater Madison MPO and Capital Area RPC logos

What is the role of the plan commission in developing and advancing community plans? In this two-part series featuring Rebecca Roberts from the Center of Land Use Education, we aim to communicate the importance of the comprehensive plan and tools available for implementing the plan.

PART 1: Planning 101 for Local Plan Commissioners
Thursday, October 20, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Register now via Zoom

Part 1: The plan commission performs a wide variety of functions related to community planning, land use regulation, and development. In addition to outlining the basic roles and responsibilities of plan commissioners, the first session will focus on the basics of comprehensive plans, how they are used, and how they are updated. We will also discuss how local plans, processes, and decisions interact with regional plans and impact similar activities in neighboring communities.

PART 2: Planning 101 for Local Plan Commissioners
Thursday, October 27, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Register now via Zoom

Part 2: Local plan commissions also play an important role in the adoption and administration of tools to implement plans. Part two of the series will examine how plan commission members carry out their community’s comprehensive plan using zoning, land division regulations, preservation programs, and other tools.

Who should attend: The primary audience for these sessions is local plan commissioners, along with local clerks, administrators, elected officials, and staff. Interested community members are always welcome.

What We’ll Do:

  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of local plan commissioners
  • Give an overview of the comprehensive plan and other related plans and ordinances
  • Explain how plans and ordinances are applied to specific land use decisions
  • Provide a regional context for local planning efforts
  • Highlight available resources and opportunities for collaboration