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Black Earth Creek Watershed Infrastructure Plan Approved

Black Earth Creek Watershed Infrastructure Plan Approved

Since 2019, the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission has been collaborating with communities along Black Earth Creek, a consulting team, and a steering committee of organizations active in the watershed to develop a green infrastructure plan. The goal of this project is to develop specific strategies that will provide a quantifiable level of flood protection to communities, water quality benefits to Black Earth Creek and its tributaries, and recreational, economic, and ecological benefits to the watershed as a whole.

Wisconsin Emergency Management, a key funder along with FEMA, formally approved the plan earlier this month. The final plan and other related information can be viewed on the project website: https://becw-gi-carpc.hub.arcgis.com/.

The completed plan represents a unified strategy among local, regional, and state partners to improve flood resilience and water quality throughout the watershed. Next steps will focus on working with local units of government and other stakeholders to formally adopt and implement the plan.