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Environmental Resources

Protecting regional water quality

The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) works with Dane County communities to collaboratively manage the interrelationship of water quality and land and water resources. Through the Dane County Water Quality Plan, the Environmental Resources Planning division manages, protects and enhances groundwater and surface water quality on an areawide basis. Staff plan and modify Urban Service Areas and review sewer extension requests and stormwater management plans prior to land development. The Division also explores coordinated, inter-municipal flood resilience and works with communities and groups to study the region’s water resources.

Visit the Dane County Water Quality Plan website to learn more about the area’s water resources and watershed focused initiatives. Current projects underway are the development of a Chloride Management Plan for the Starkweather Creek watershed, a Green Infrastructure Plan for the Black Earth Creek watershed, and a watershed plan for the Waubesa Wetlands.

Visit the Open Data Portal to view interactive maps and download datasets for Environmental Corridor Boundaries, Sewer Service Area Boundaries, Groundwater Nitrate Concentrations, Groundwater Recharge Rates and more.