Review the Draft Regional Development Framework
The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission is pleased to announce that a draft of our 2050 Regional Development Framework report is now available for review and comment.
View the draft report through our SharePoint site.
Submit comments by April 10, 2022:
Via email to Caitlin Shanahan at
Through the comment box on
The 2050 Regional Development Framework will replace Vision 2020: Dane County Land Use and Transportation Plan as the statutorily required land use plan for the Dane County region. The update process began with the A Greater Madison Vision initiative, which gathered broad public input to shape regional development priorities. Based on these priorities, CARPC developed goals, objectives, and strategies for accommodating projected population growth through 2050.
The Framework is designed to serve as a guide for incorporating big picture goals into individual decisions about where and how to grow. The strategies outlined in the Framework will promote growth that:
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and fosters community resilience to climate change
- Increases access to jobs, housing and services for all people
- Conserves farmland, water resources, natural areas, and fiscal resources
All comments received will be reviewed by CARPC staff as part of the final editing process. Commissioners will vote on adoption of the final Framework at the May 2022 CARPC meeting. Following adoption, our work will focus on implementing the Framework by providing planning support to local communities, collaborating with other regional entities, and tracking performance metrics.
Visit our website’s Regional Development Framework page and the Regional Development Framework project site to learn more. Contact Caitlin Shanahan, Community Planner, at with any questions, comments, or requests for more information.