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Lake Waubesa Coarse Woody Habitat Survey

Lake Waubesa Coarse Woody Habitat Survey

In partnership with the Lake Waubesa Conservation Association (LWCA), CARPC is creating a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Lake Waubesa. This planning process began in May 2023 and will continue through 2024.

One of the five main goals for the Lake Waubesa LMP is to restore and protect the habitat along the lake shorelines and Waubesa wetlands. To determine the density of coarse woody habitat along the lakeshore, Melissa Michaud (CARPC Environmental Resources Planner) and Woody Kneppreth (LWCA Board Member) spent two mornings out on the water this October conducting a coarse woody habitat inventory.

Selfie of a woman and man on a small boat in Lake Waubesa.
Melissa and Woody

Following the WDNR Lake Shoreland & Shallows Habitat Monitoring Field Protocol, Melissa and Woody counted “large” pieces of woody debris (greater than 4 inches in diameter and at least 5 feet long) that were between the High Water Level (HWL) and the 2-foot depth contour. For each piece of wood, Melissa and Woody also recorded its “branchiness” (no branches, few branches, or tree trunk with full crown), whether it crossed the HWL, and whether at least 5 feet of it was underwater. 

Woody shoreline area of Lake Waubesa at Babcock County Park.
Lake Waubesa shoreline at Babcock County Park

The results of this survey will aid in the development of protection and habitat restoration targets and identify priority areas and actions for each. It will also guide future Healthy Lakes Grant applications to implement restoration practices. The coarse woody debris inventory data will also be submitted to WDNR for display on the Lakes and AIS Viewer.