Webinar Recap: Intro to SolSmart
Kathy Kuntz of the Dane County Office of Energy and Climate Change, Phil Grupe from the City of Fitchburg, and Debra Perry of ICMA join CARPC staff to give an overview of the SolSmart program, current regional and county-level designation processes, and the local designation experience.
Presentation: View slides
Links and Resources:
- SolSmart Program Guide (2023): https://solsmart.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/SolSmart-Program-Guide-2023.pdf
- Solar Statement template: https://solsmart.org/resource/2023-solsmart-solar-statement-template
- SolSmart Resource Page: https://solsmart.org/resource/solsmart-program-guide
- SolSmart FAQ: https://solsmart.org/faqs/
- 6/28 Webinar – How the grid, regulators, and wholesale markets affect local solar goals: https://www.wri.org/events/2023/6/how-grid-regulators-and-wholesale-markets-affect-local-solar-goals
- CARPC solar landing page: https://www.capitalarearpc.org/community-regional-development/solar-development/